
You may have noticed that there was no new episode this week and that our social media channels have been rather quiet. Normally, this is the week that we release our Independence Day episode but this year we just couldn’t bring ourselves to do it.
With over 130,000 Americans dead from a virus that some still refuse to acknowledge and many refuse to take steps towards ending, violence in our streets including police brutality, continued inequality, hateful rhetoric dividing our country farther than it’s been in decades, and non-stop ineptitude and ignorance from those in power, it was hard to put on our silly red, white, and blue hats this year.
This country is broken, it’s fractured, and it needs help. We need to stop making things about left vs right, white vs black, man vs woman, gay vs straight, and just come together as AMERICANS. This country was founded on the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and that all of us are created equal. It’s time we start acting like it.
So today, we’re asking you for one simple favor. Do something good. Donate to a charity. Sign a petition. Help an old person cross the street. Just one act of kindness in a weary world.
Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Do good. Be good. Let’s start healing.
For America.