Haunters: The Art of the Scare premiere will feature its own haunt

Haunters: The Art of the Scare is an upcoming documentary about the haunt industry, and specifically the no-holds-barred world of extreme haunts. Haunters bills itself as “the first feature film to expose audiences to the sub-culture of extreme horror attractions and to uncover the reasons behind America’s increasing obsession with haunted houses and the demand for truly immersive entertainment” and features “behind-the-scenes and personal footage of professional and home-haunters, their families, the monsters, the fans who love them, horror icons, and scientists as they conduct an experiment to discover why we love to scare and be scared.” It also features interviews with filmmakers (and former Grave Plot Podcast guests) Jen and Sylvia Soska and Jessica Cameron.
Haunters will have its premiere on October 3 at the Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles at Beyond Fest and it sounds absolutely bonkers. Donald Julson, a maze creator who is featured in the film, will create a new haunt specifically for the event for fans to walk through beforehand. There will also be not just haunters, but monsters on hand to interact with moviegoers and have a Q&A session.
Best of all, IT’S FREE! The first 90 people who arrive to the Shudder Screening Room will get to see the film at no cost. Tickets will be available at 6:30 pm so get there early. The haunt will then open at 7 and there will be monsters walking the red carpet. The film then begins at 9:45 and the Q&A will take place afterwards.
If, like us, you unfortunately can’t attend, you can get more info on Haunters: The Art of the Scare at their website and you can pre-order the film at Amazon or iTunes.