The Campout

Halloween is here and it’s time for another short from Grave Plot Films!
This year we decided to cut the comedy (mostly) and just go right for the jugular with a straight-up slasher short film we call “The Campout.” We worked in association with Rotten Cupcake Productions and music was provided by Purple Planet ( We hope you like it.
After watching your “films”…and I use that word extremely loosely…I find it equal parts hilarious and horrifying that you guys think you have any place to “review” other peoples films. I don’t know what’s worse…your films themselves or the acting. It’s hard to be that bad. I suggest you watch some basic filmmaking tutorials on youtube and learn how to act even a single word convincingly before you even consider making anything else.
Thanks for the input, Patrick. Our “films” are made for no money and we, admittedly, are not professional filmmakers or actors. We film the whole thing in one night with a skeleton crew made up mostly of friends. It’s just something we do for fun.
We will check out some of those tutorials you suggested and hopefully our next attempt can be better!
My mom says our movies are very good. So there.
We’re going to keep making them. Thanks for watching.